Block diagram using Graphviz

less than 1 minute read


Graphviz facilitates the creation and rendering of graph descriptions in the DOT language of the Graphviz graph drawing software from Python.


Installing Graphviz

  • Windows Executables
    Follow the blog for installating executables on window (Graphviz)[]
  • Ubuntu Package
    sudo apt install graphviz
  • Install python library
    pip install graphviz


  • Generate block diagram using python from data of dictionary dynamically.
from graphviz import Digraph

dot = Digraph(comment='The Round Table')
dot.format = 'png'
dot.attr('node', shape='circle')

# Sample data as dictionary
dict_data = {'test suite 1':[{'test case 1':[{'test 1':'pass'},{'test 2':'fail'}]}, {'test case 2':[{'test 22':'pass'},{'test 23':'fail'}]}]}

# Node
for d in dict_data:    
    dot.node(d, d)
    for dd in dict_data[d]:            
        for ddd in dd:            
            dot.node(ddd, ddd)                     
            for dddd in dd[ddd]:                
                for t in dddd:
                    if dddd[t] == 'pass':
                        dot.node(t, t, color='green')
                        dot.node(t, t, color='red')
# Edge
for d in dict_data:        
    for dd in dict_data[d]:              
        for ddd in dd:            
            dot.edge(d, ddd)
            for dddd in dd[ddd]:                
                for t in dddd:                    
                    dot.edge(ddd, t)         

dot.render('round-table', view=True) 

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